I'm pleased to announce the publication of my first paper. Essentially it's a discussion of my experience with the EA and SOA implementation process at CISTI over these past few years. From the introduction:
As they seek new roles in the digital realm, libraries are finding it increasingly difficult to manage the complexity of technology implementation while continuing to cost-effectively meet their mandates as information providers. Many organizations find themselves dealing with legacy, isolated, duplicated and ineffective information systems. The practices of enterprise architecture and service oriented architecture hold much promise as methodologies to reduce complexity, to encourage and enable collaborations, and finally to rein in the beast of technology. Even libraries under budgetary constraints can benefit from knowledge of enterprise architecture and service oriented architecture best practices.
Anthony, Stephen K. "Implementing Service Oriented Architecture at the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information." The Serials Librarian, 55(01-02), pp. 235 - 253.
DOI: 10.1080/03615260801970907
I invite you to view the pre-print version (PDF)
There was a much more involved than I first imagined, and it took much more time than I expected. However, it's done, and it's in print - and I'm doing the happy dance. I hope it will be of interest to members of the library community who are starting service oriented related initiatives, are interested in CISTI's activities in this area, or who just want to know more about the area of SOA in libraries generally.
I want to convey my eternal thanks to Karen Morgenroth, Jim Cole the Editor-in-Chief, Daping Tan, Richard Akerman, Jane Carbone, and my wife Tammy for helping me with this project, and for putting up with me generally.