I got a little ill when James Tarbell pointed out a terrible abuse of the term business architecture. He points to a couple of, what are essentially advertisements, which include statements such as:
Business architect [sic] is a person that initiates new business ventures or leads business innovation, designs a winning business model, and builds a sustainable balanced business system for a lasting success.
Business architects can be found in a multitude of business settings: corporate change leaders, initiators of joint ventures, managers of radical innovation projects, in-company ventures, spin-outs, or new start-up ventures.
Although I realize the hypocrisy of it, I do hate it when buzz-phrases are co-opted in this manner. I whole heartedly admit that we stole "engineering" and "architecture" from other fields.... but I argue that there was a serious difference in intent.
Thanks for the afternoon laugh James.
Thanks for the amplification! I added you to my Blogroll.
Posted by: JT | November 24, 2006 at 09:46 AM
So how do we virtually kidnap idiots who make up such phrases...
Posted by: James | November 29, 2006 at 07:49 AM